Sunday, February 5, 2012

San Francisco - Boise Portrait Photographer {TWO Traveler}

I had the best first experience in San Francisco last weekend. It was a short jaunt by drive to get to where we were going. I had never been but it was perfect weather! Not a cloud in sight and had the whole day to mess around with my camera. I was so fortunate to be able to hang with some of my best peeps; Kristina & Deandre Robinson! They have been such amazing friends and mentors to me as I have been up and coming in my photography career. This trip I learned a lot about utilizing my camera to it's best potential, plus some SWEET new camera tricks! I can't thank these guys enough, by the way they are amazing photographers themselves. I have so much to learn yet, but am so glad to have these peeps as some of my best friends in the whole world because they are so genuine. So, thank you for being AWESOME! Here are just a few pics from my trip and a couple of them together. IT was super fun doing different camera tricks. :D

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