Friday, February 10, 2012

Premier Bride Showcase - Boise Wedding Photographer

What are your plans this weekend? Sitting around? Maybe watching a basketball game? Well, those aren't really as much fun as going to a wedding show right?? I know what you are thinking... eh should I go? What will I find? What can it really offer me??

Well the answer to all those questions is A LOT!! The Premier Bride Showcase is just that... a showcase. It's a fantastic show that is geared with some of the best vendors in the wedding industry in the area. I feel quite privileged to be able to work with some great people including, but not limited to Goodwood BBQ, Alpine Ponds Event Center, DJ Dave, Bliss Events and so much more! Plus I'm pretty lucky to be able to see some of my photog friends CkG Photography and Greg Hoskins Photography! It's going to be a great time and if you don't believe me, check it out for yourself... come see what Premier Bride can offer you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Amanda-Boise Portrait Photographer

This was just a fun random shoot with my fellow photog Ammo Photog! Click her name... it's ok check her out! She's awesome and shoots some sweet fashion. You should check her stuff out!! Oh I know, that shameless plugging again. She was helping me with an assignment. It was a lot of fun and quite the workout. Thank you so much for helping me out Amanda!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

San Francisco - Boise Portrait Photographer {TWO Traveler}

I had the best first experience in San Francisco last weekend. It was a short jaunt by drive to get to where we were going. I had never been but it was perfect weather! Not a cloud in sight and had the whole day to mess around with my camera. I was so fortunate to be able to hang with some of my best peeps; Kristina & Deandre Robinson! They have been such amazing friends and mentors to me as I have been up and coming in my photography career. This trip I learned a lot about utilizing my camera to it's best potential, plus some SWEET new camera tricks! I can't thank these guys enough, by the way they are amazing photographers themselves. I have so much to learn yet, but am so glad to have these peeps as some of my best friends in the whole world because they are so genuine. So, thank you for being AWESOME! Here are just a few pics from my trip and a couple of them together. IT was super fun doing different camera tricks. :D

Friday, February 3, 2012

Noah & Caleb {Boise Children Photographer - TWO CUTE}

Now I know you probably saw these cuties in a previous blog post, but they are such cool kids they deserved their own session!! I enjoyed this session because it was candid. It was whatever the kids did and I captured some great expressions. The other cool thing about it?? KIDS IN A CANDY STORE!! No, really, I'm serious... check it out for yourself.

Reena & Chris {Boise Wedding Photographer -TWO BECOME ONE}

This was such a fun session because not only was it different, but it was vintage and in San Francisco! So it was quite the treat to be shooting in an area I had never been and meeting the sweetest couple. Reena and Chris have been married for two years so this was kind of like a stylized shoot meets anniversary session. It was a great time spending some time with them and learning about San Fran. Also a HUGE thank you to Robinson Portraits for allowing me to be apart of the day!!

Robinson Family {Boise Family Photographer-TWO BECOME MORE}

This past weekend I spent a few days in Sacramento and San Francisco. It was a great opportunity for me to get out and shoot this AMAZING family! I am really blessed to be able to call this family dear friends as they have helped mentor me in honing my photography skills. What is even cooler? They are photographers and fantastic at that! Check out some of their work -Robinson Portraits -I know a shameless plug, but I can't help it. This was a special session because as photographers they got to see how I work and get the feel of what it's like to be in front of the camera. I really enjoyed this session just from the fact that they aren't the "normal" posed photos, they are REAL! Thank you again to Kristina and Deandre for being awesome and I can't wait to see these peeps in just 2 weeks!