Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bellomy Family {TWO BECOME MORE}

I absolutely love this family! They are so easy going and their baby was such a champ!! She was ready for the camera and did all the posing on her own! For two years old she is an old pro! Thank you Eli and Jenny for allowing me to capture your family for the 2nd year in a row and I look forward to many more!

Carters {TWO CUTE}

I had the great privilege of photographing some super cute kids for the Carter's Children Store grand opening last weekend. It was great capturing their expressions and meeting the awesome parents! If you haven't checked it out yet, head on over to the store for some great deals and selection of clothes for your tots! For now enjoy the kids that came out!!!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Deal vs Value

Being in the photography industry, many clients ask the question, "Why are you this price when I could get the same thing for less through this person?" I encourage you to read this blog post from a fellow photographer in Los Angeles. It was very intriguing and when you are shopping around for a photographer or any service, keep this in mind! Enjoy!!!